Frequently Asked Question

How do I upload media using the media loader?
Last Updated 5 years ago

  1. Copy and paste the following Microsoft Access file to your working folder:

  2. Open copied MediaImport.mdb file in Microsoft Access, right click, and copy the MediaImport table:

  3. Right click in empty space below tables and paste:

  4. Edit table name and select "Structure Only":

  5. Locate Excel file for importing data into created table:


  6. Open and review the table. Make any necessary changes, and close the file:


  7. Open TMS MediaLoadPlugin, go to Properties, select the working Microsoft Access file, and enter the table name. Make sure to select "Skip source record" if any of the records have already been entered, and then click OK:


  8. Click "View Source". Then validate all to check for errors. Inspect table cells for any highlighted in red:

  9. Click "Import". A progress bar will appear at the bottom, and a dialog message will indicate when the import is complete.

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